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Spoken Word

"What is art?" by Sherida Suggs

For this assignment, I was given the task to pick one of the poems or plays that had been performed at Spoken Word and create a poster for it. The poem I chose was "What is art?" by Sherida Suggs.


After going and seeing the play in person, I ended up using the colors of the background lights that they used while Sherry Lee Allen read the poem to be my inspiration for my choice of colors. I wanted to focus on both how art is very abstract, unique, and very much you. I used the silhouette of a human and placed the colors I wanted to use within the body. I then did a form of abstract concrete poetry and placed all the words in a clumped mess within the body of my silhouette. I wanted to make it both readable but also confusing at the same time. It was very uncomfortable doing an abstract piece and yet that is what I love so much about it. It got me out of my comfort zone and I was able to create something so unique as well as being my own at the end of the day.

What is art_OQuinn.png
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