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55 Variations

55 Images/Animations

For this final assignment, our task was to find quotes and transform them using the skills we have been learning all semester. I took four of my favorite quotes from my personal short stories I've written and used them repeatedly to create the 55 images/animations.


The quotes I used were: 



Everyday when the sun rose and signaled the start of a brand new day, Markus awoke with a single question plaguing his mind as it did every morning for the past fifteen years:


How the heck did this become my life?


He knew the answer. It was a rhetorical question that didn’t need to be given an answer because he already knew why this is the life he is forced to live now. But he couldn’t help but still ask himself the question. It was still a shock to him every time he woke up that he had yet to escape this awful nightmare that he calls reality. One of these days, he hopes to wake up and find that it was all just a bad dream that he could move on from and forget about. Until that day comes, however, it seemed he was forced to accept this as his new life with no means of escaping any time soon. 



Intriguing theory. I have to admit, it’s amusing to see how the human mind works. You mortals don’t normally like to place the blame on yourself when things go horribly wrong, so you find something else to place the blame on. Because it is more logical to see yourselves as this picture of perfection than accept the fact that you are all corrupted. Even before I entered your vessel, there were already dark and demonic thoughts swimming around this brain of yours. You can do your best to justify your actions, to place your blame on me if you so desire to make yourself feel better. But at the end of the day, you and I both know the truth. I was not the one who drew the blade across the woman’s neck. I was not the one who lifted the knife to your lips so you could lick it clean while the dying woman watched until she fell unconscious. I’ll admit that some of the killings that occurred last night were my doing, but that one in particular was all you, Lukas. Not me. You.



“You’re not perfect, Markus. And that’s perfectly fine. Those imperfections are what make you perfect. Being average is great- the only expectations that people have for us is that we’re going to screw up but never give up. We will make 100 mistakes, but we keep dancing, we keep learning, and we keep growing. At the end of the day, we have the free will to make those mistakes and know that they’re ours. We know that we are in control of our dance. …You are too, Markus. You are in control of the steps you take. Dance to the song that you want to, not what others expect you to dance to. Take the lead.”



“I am still an angel!”


Dardanos tensed as the angel suddenly snapped, yelling these words as loud as he could to drown out the words of the nonbeliever. 


Markus lifted his head, finally making eye contact with the phobling once more only to reveal how he was now crying. His tears trailed down his cheeks, falling onto the knife he held so both the blood and tears were now mixed together on the blade. He appeared incredibly distraught as he sat there on the kitchen floor. Dardanos had never seen Markus in this state before and it was starting to alarm him just how broken the angel appeared. 


“…Markus, I never said that you weren’t an angel anymore.”


“But you did! You’ve been saying it this whole time!” Markus screamed, pointing the knife towards Dardanos in an accusing manner. “Who’s ever heard of an angel with no wings? It’s never been heard of before! I’m an angel with no wings and no powers! So how-… Without them, how can I still be considered an angel? I’m nothing without them. I’m nobody…. That’s why-… That’s why they have to still be here. My wings must still be here or else I am nothing without them.”


5x Text as Shape

Text as Shape_1_OQuinn.png
Text as Shapes_3_OQuinn.png
Text as Shape_2_OQuinn.png
Text as Shapes_4_OQuinn.png

5x Text as Lines

Text as Line_1_OQuinn.png
Text as Line_3_OQuinn.png
Text as Line_2_OQuinn.png
Text as Line_4_OQuinn.png

5x One Large Letter

One LARGE Letter_1_OQuinn.png
One LARGE Letter_3_OQuinn.png
One LARGE Letter_2_OQuinn.png
One LARGE Letter_4_OQuinn.png

5x Two Sizes

Two Sizes_1_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes_3_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes_2_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes_4_OQuinn.png

5x Two Sizes Lines&Dots

Two Sizes Lines&Dots_1_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes Lines&Dots_3_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes Lines&Dots_2_OQuinn.png
Two Sizes Lines&Dots_4_OQuinn.png

5x Add Red

Add Red_1_OQuinn.png
Add Red_3_OQuinn.png
Add Red_2_OQuinn.png
Add Red_4_OQuinn.png

5x Grid as Static

Grid Static_1_OQuinn.png
Grid Static_3_OQuinn.png
Grid Static_2_OQuinn.png
Grid Static_4_OQuinn.png
Grid Static_5_OQuinn.png

5x Grid as Dynamic

Grid Dynamic_1_OQuinn.png
Grid Dynamic_3_OQuinn.png
Grid Dynamic_2_OQuinn.png
Grid Dynamic_4_OQuinn.png
Grid Dynamic_5_OQuinn.png

15x Grid as Curvilinear

Grid Curvilinear_1_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_3_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_5_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_7_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilnear_9_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_11_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_13_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_2_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_4_OQuinn (1).png
Grid Curvilinear_6_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilnear_8_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilnear_10_OQuinn.png
Grid Curvilinear_12_OQuinn.png
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