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Curvilinear 4_Color 1_PS2_OQuinn_edited.
Static 4_Color 2_PS_OQuinn_edited_edited
Visual Mark

Letter Icon

For this assignment, we had to create static, dynamic, and curvilinear images by using different letters and characters that fit under each category. I chose to work with the Baskerville typeface.


We first had to create one image for each category that showed one letter.

For the static image, I used the letter "F".

For the dynamic image, I used the letter "K".

For the curvilinear image, I used the letter "Q". 


For the second round of images, we then had to have three forms in the image.

For the static image: F, H, I

For the dynamic image: K, X, ^

For the curvilinear: Q, C, .


For the third round of images, we then had to have five forms in the image.

For the static: F, H, I, 1, =

For the dynamic: K, X, V, ^, \

For the curvilinear: Q, C, O, ., .


We then had to give color to two out of our nine images. I chose to give color to my curvilinear image that had five forms and gave color to my static image that had five forms.

For the static, I gave it a monochromatic scheme of pastel purple.

For the dynamic, I chose the colors yellow, blue, and pink.

One Letter

Static 1_OQuinn.png
Dynamic 1_OQuinn.png
Curvilinear 1_OQuinn.png

Three Forms

Static 2_3_OQuinn.png
Dynamic 2_3_OQuinn.png
Curvilinear 2_3_OQuinn.png

Five Forms

Static 3_5_OQuinn.png
Dynamic 3_5_OQuinn.png
Curvilinear 3_5_OQuinn.png


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